Leadership club is a place for connection, networking and growth for leaders.

How Leadership Club works ?

A forum in which business leaders, executives, and leaders can share best practices and learn
together to grow themselves, improve their businesses and their communities, addressing the
complex difficulties and challenges they face on the path to professional excellence.

Testimonies of Leadership Club

Leadership Club: an excellent space for sharing knowledge and information. The Club is a real catalyst in leadership formation.

Dr El hadji Malick DIOP,

Head Pharmacist and pharmacy owner

As far as the composition, I think it's excellent. Because everyone who participates is interested in leadership issues. The participants are leadership apprentices and the trainers or facilitators have the experience required to conduct the sessions. The method is simple, participatory and very suitable for adult learning.

The impact is positive, because when the training is enriched with practical examples brought by leaders in the field, everyone finds a light that brightens up the grey areas in his or her leadership.
Working with highly qalified leaders and professors who are familiar with both the practice and theory of leadership is more than edifying. Past sessions have given me a strong desire to ease my leadership style considered very demanding by my team.

Adama SENE,

Head of NGO

The club allows us to learn a lot of things and we use the lessons learned to solve specific problems, especially in human resources management.

Abdoul Salam LY,

Medical Center Director

I will summarize CLR as

  • a network activator because it allows to meet actors (not competitors but partners and idea developers)
  • a mirror that allows you to constantly question yourself
  • a booster that gives you faith in your own abilities.

Alain SARR,

COO of a financial institution

Indeed the fact of going out and finding oneself in a good atmosphere while working is very productive. We combine business with pleasure.

The fact that we lead the courses and the discussions ourselves makes us more responsible and enthisistic. In the end we are rich in solutions to solve our business problems. Our public speaking abilities are also strengthen. We are surrounded and trained by an indisputable, generous leadership team that spares no effort to make us leaders in our institutions and homes.

Mme. Anta Coulibaly BÂ,


With CLR, MEDITECHS is going to the summit.